Huemer, P., Haxaire, J., Lee, K.M., Mutanen, M., Pekarsky, O., Scalercio, S. & Ronkay, L. 2020. Revision of the genus Hoplodrina Boursin, 1937 (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Xyleninae). I. Hoplodrina octogenaria (Goeze, 1781) and its sister species H. alsinides (Costantini, 1922) sp. rev. in Europe. ZooKeys 927. 75–97. https.//doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.927.51142
Huemer, P., Karsholt, O., Aarvik, L., Berggren, K., Bidzilya, A., Junnilainen, J., Landry, J-F., Mutanen, M., Nupponen, K., Segerer, A., Sumpich, J., Wieser, C., Wiesmair, B. & Hebert, P.D.N. 2020. DNA barcode library for European Gelechiidae DNA barcode library for European Gelechiidae (Lepidoptera) suggests greatly underestimated species diversity. ZooKeys 921.141–157.
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Kivelä, S.M., Davis, R.B., Esperk, T., Gotthard, K., Mutanen, M., Valdma, D. & Tammaru, T. 2020. Constrained evolution of instar-level characteristics of larval growth in Lepidoptera. Functional Ecology. https.//doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.13556
Mutanen, M., Ovaskainen, O., Varkonyi, G. Itämies, J., Prosser, S., Hebert, P.D.N & Hanski, I. 2020. DNA Barcoding and Modelling Illuminate Complex Host-Parasitoid Dynamics. Ecology Letters 23. 851–859.
Nupponen, K. 2020. Re-evaluation of some problematic taxa of Palaearctic Scythrididae, with two new synonyms and descriptions of three new species (Lepidoptera. Scythrididae). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 48(190). 363-374.
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Bidzilya, O., Huemer, P., Nupponen, K. & Šumpich, J. 2019. A review of some new or little-known species of the genus Gnorimoschema (Lepdiptera, Gelechiidae) from the Palaearctic region. – ZooKeys 857. 105–138.
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Junnilainen, J., Kaitila, J-P. & Mutanen, M. 2019. A new Incurvaria Haworth, 1828 from the vetulella group in Bulgaria, with a release of DNA barcodes for European species Incurvaria. Nota lepidopterologica 42. 81–100.
Kaila, L. J., Nupponen, K., Gorbunov, P. Y., Mutanen, M., & Heikkilä, A. A. M. 2019. Ustyurtiidae, a new family of Urodoidea with description of a new genus and two species from Kazakhstan, and discussion on possible affinity of Urodoidea to Schreckensteinioidea (Lepidoptera). Insect Systematics & Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1163/1876312X-00002209
Kaila, L., Mutanen, M., Sihvonen, P., Tyllinen, J. & Tabell, J. 2019. Characterization of Pleurotinae, with review of Pleurota species close to P. aristella (Linnaeus) from Morocco (Lepidoptera. Gelechioidea. Oecophoridae). Zootaxa 4545. 451–477.
Korpelainen, H. & Pietiläinen, M. 2019. The effects of sample age and taxonomic origin on the success rate of DNA barcoding when using herbarium material. Plant Systematics and Evolution 305. 319–324.
Liston, A., Mutanen, M. & Viitasaari, M. 2019. On the taxonomy of Heterarthrus (Hymenoptera, Tenthredinidae), with a review of the West Palaearctic species. Journal of Hymenoptera Research 72. 83-126. https.//doi.org/10.3897/jhr.72.39339
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Pellinen, M.J. & Mutanen, M. 2019. Three new species of the genus Ecpatia, Turner 1902 and the first record of Ecpatia obscura, Holloway. 2009 from Thailand (Lepidoptera. Noctuidae, Noctuinae). Zootaxa 4609. 574–582.
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Sihvonen, P., Lee, K. M., Lundsten, K-E. & Mutanen, M. 2019. Genomic evidence suggests Mesapamea remmi is an imaginary moth species. Systematic Entomology. https://doi.org/10.1111/syen.12397
Tabell, J., Mutanen, M. & Sihvonen, P. 2019. Three morphologically and genetically confirmed new Pleurota species from Morocco (Lepidoptera. Gelechioidea. Oecophoridae. Pleurotinae). Zootaxa 4624. 442–450.
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Huemer, P., Wieser, C., Wiesmair, B., Hausmann, A., Mutanen, M., Yakovlev, R., Gottsberger, B., Strutzenberger, P., Hebert, P.D.N. & Fiedler, K. 2018. Large geographic distance versus small DNA barcode divergence. Insights from a comparison of European to South Siberian Lepidoptera. Plos One 13(11). e0206668. https.//doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0206668.
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Lee, K.M., Ivanov, V., Kivelä, S., Hausmann, A., Kaila, L., Wahlberg, N. & Mutanen, M. 2018. Information Dropout Patterns in Restriction Site Associated DNA Phylogenomics and a Comparison with Multilocus Sanger Data in a Species-rich Moth Genus. Systematic Biology 67. 925–939.https://doi.org/10.1093/sysbio/syy029
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Nupponen, K. 2018. Notes on Scythrididae of western South Africa and Namibia, with descriptions of eight new species (Lepidoptera. Scythrididae). Metamorphosis 29. 56–78.
Pellinen, M., Mutanen, M. & Sihvonen, P. 2018. New species of genus Mudaria Moore, 1893 and the first record of Mudaria cornifrons Moore, 1893 from Thailand (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae, Noctuinae). Zootaxa 4500. 292–300.
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Tabell, J., Mutanen, M. & Sihvonen, P. 2018. Descriptions of five morphologically and genetically confirmed new species of the Coleophora poecilella Walsingham, 1907 species group (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) from the Palearctic Region. Zootaxa 4429. 331-347.
Tabell, J., Mutanen, M. & Siloaho, R. 2018. Coleophora sirella Tabell & Mutanen, sp. n., a new coleophorid moth from Finland (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae). Entomologica Fennica, 30. 49–56.
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Kozlov, M.V., Mutanen, M., Lee, K.M. & Huemer, P. 2017. Cryptic diversity in the long-horn moth Nemophora degeerella (Lepidoptera. Adelidae) revealed by morphology, DNA barcodes and genome-wide ddRAD-seq data. Systematic Entomology, 42. 329–346.
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Pentinsaari, M., Vos, R. & Mutanen, M. 2017. Algorithmic single-locus species delimitation: effects of sampling effort, variation and non-monophyly in four methods and 1872 species of beetles. Molecular Ecology Resources, 17.393–404.
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Kirichenko, N., Triberti, P., Mutanen, M., Magnoux, E., Landry, J-F. & Lopez-Vaamonde, C. 2016. Systematics and biology of some species of Micrurapteryx Spuler (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) from the Holarctic Region, with re-description of M. caraganella (Hering) from Siberia. Zookeys 579. 99–156.
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Kaila, L., Baran, T. & Mutanen, M. 2015. A revision of the Elachista dispilella complex (Lepidoptera. Gelechioidea. Elachistidae). Zootaxa 3963. 517–560.
Kekkonen, M., Mutanen, M., Kaila, L., Nieminen, M. & Hebert, P. D. N. 2015. Delineating Species with DNA Barcodes. A Case of Taxon Dependent Method Performance in Moths. PLoS ONE. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0122481
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Nupponen, K. 2015. Interesting records of Ethmiinae from the former USSR, with description of Ethmia ustyurtensis Nupponen sp. n. from Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera. Gelechioidea, Elachistidae). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 43(169). 125–131.
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Huemer, P., Karsholt, O. & Mutanen, M. 2014. DNA barcoding as a screening tool for cryptic diversity: An example from Caryocolum, with description of a new species (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae). Zookeys 404. 91–111
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Pentinsaari, M., Mutanen, M. & Kaila, L. 2014. Cryptic diversity and signs of mitochondrial introgression in the Agrilus viridis (Linnaeus) species complex (Coleoptera. Buprestidae). European Journal of Entomology 111. 475–486.
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Hausmann, A., Godfray, H. C. J., Huemer, P., Mutanen, M., Rougerie, R., van Nieukerken, E. J., Ratnasingham, S. & Hebert, P. D. N. 2013. Genetic patterns in European geometrid moths revealed by the Barcode Index Number (BIN) system. PLoS ONE 8(12). e84518.
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Landry, J-F., Nazari, V., deWaard, J. R., Mutanen, M., Lopez Vaamonde, C., Huemer, P. & Hebert, P. D. N. 2013. Shared but overlooked: 30 species of Holarctic Microlepidoptera revealed by DNA barcodes and morphology. Zootaxa 3749. 1–93.
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Mutanen, M., Kaila, L. & Tabell, J. 2013. Wide-ranging barcoding aids discovery of one-third increase of species richness in presumably well-investigated moths. Scientific Reports 3. 2901.
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Nupponen, K. 2013. Noteworthy records of Scythrididae from the Palaearctic region, with descriptions of two new species from Spain (Lepidoptera. Scythrididae). SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 41(164). 495–510.
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